Prudur 11-896 AI Sire

Meet Our Icelandic Sheep - Previous Breeding Rams

PrudurPrudur is white, horned with good looking head. Short neck and very muscular shoulders. Very good rib shape. Thick eye muscle and very muscular rump. Superb gigot muscling. Strong feets. Very dashing ram with more than average body length.

Light tan on feets and head. Very few tan fibers in the fleece. Medium wool quantity. Thick and even thel.  Curly and fine thog.


Prudur 11-896 was progeny tested at Ytri-Skogar farm in 2012 resulting in excellent gigot scoring and superb carcass grading. Prudur himself was the highest scored ram lamb in Rangarvallasysla in 2011 with 88,5 points.

His mother has always had twins and has good milking abilities.

Color inheritance: Prudur is homozygous white.

Scrapie genotype: Neutral.