BLW-131T Lucinda

Meet Our Icelandic Sheep - Previous Breeding Ewes

LucindaFirst generation AI ewe, sire is Rektor.  We love this girl-- everything about her is so good!  Loads of very fine white fleece.  Excellent build with great muscling.  AI lines:  1/2 Rektor, 1/4 Muli, 1/8 Laekur for a total of 7/8 AI!  Carries color, as Rektor is spotted black AI sire.   Will sell this ewe, or her yearling daughter, KTB 210X.

Sire: Rektor 00889
Dam: FFC-436R (triplet)

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D.O.B.: April 14, 2007

Lambing record: ?, 1, 2, 2.