HERGILL 08-770

Meet Our Icelandic Sheep - AI Sire Descriptions


Description:  Hergill is horned and white with powerful head with good horn curving. Very broad and extremely muscular shoulders and superb rib shape. Broad and muscled back and very broad and muscular rump. Extremely well shaped and thick gigot muscles. Hergill is very powerful and longbodied ram with superb conformation.

Tan on head, tail and feets with some tan fibers in the fleece. Medium wool quantity. Medium fine thog.

Hergill was bought for AI after a big progeny test in Northeast Iceland. He was first noticed in another big progeny test in 2009 showing extremely good results. He carries on superb meat qualities resulting in fantastic carcass grading. On the other hand his progenies only show average leanness. His progenies are very muscular with good overall conformation. Hergill has few daughter records so far but his daughters have shown prolificacy below average and milking abilities around average.  Hergill is rather little related to the most widely used AI rams most recent years.



Carcass grading  145



Fat grading  101

Lambs  MQI   119

Daugthers:   Prolificacy  94   Milking Index 102

Scrapie resistance genotype: Neutral

Colour inheritance: Hergill is homozygous white.