Meet Our Icelandic Sheep - AI Sire Descriptions

RafturRaftur is horned and homozygous white. Vigorous head with good horn curving. Thick and well muscled neck and shoulders, good rib shape. Superb back muscling and excellent rump and leg muscling. Very vigorous and muscled ram.
Tan on head and tan fibers in the fleece. Rather fine thog and wool quantity little below average.

Raftur was progeny tested at Hestur exp. farm. His progenies are exceptionally lean with great muscle thickness resulting in excellent meat grading. Raftur combines the qualities of his ancestors, Lodi 00-871 and Gari 02-904, with tremendous results. Raftur is most likely the best Icelandic breeding ram so far.
Raftur's daughters are very prolific with good milking abilities.

Score 2006: 87,0 points
Ultrasound 2006: Eye muscle thickness 40 mm, back fat thickness 2,8 mm, muscle shape 5,0. (S)